There are two practical test centres in Carlisle. A test centre dedicated to LGV testing and the other centre for car, taxi and motorbike tests. The practical driving test will include a wide variety of roads set out on the driving test routes.
The driving test examiner will provide directions around complicated roundabouts (both large multi-lane and mini roundabouts), busy junctions, crossroads and a possibility of one-way-systems. Residential roads that are narrow, difficult to manoeuvre around and are hazardous due to oncoming vehicles are likely as are high speed A roads such as the A595 and A7. See passing parked cars tutorials for advice on narrow residential areas.
A good knowledge of test routes around the test centre will be of benefit. A thorough understanding of all test manoeuvres, the emergency stop procedure and the ability to drive safely on the independent part of the driving test is essential. See the Carlisle driving test routes for a good example of the various road and traffic systems you are likely to encounter during your test.
Where are the Driving Test Centres in Carlisle
Below are listed the address of both practical test centres in Carlisle, along with the services that each centre provides.
Carlisle Driving Test Centre
- Practical Driving Test Centre Address
Port Road Business Park
Port Road
CA2 7AF - Test Centre Details: Ramp for access to test centre for wheelchair users. Male, female and disabled toilets are available. Car parking spaces available for test candidates.
- Test Centre Provides Tests For: Car, Taxi, Motorcycle Module 1, Motorcycle Module 2
- Practical Driving Test Centre Address
Kingstown Industrial Estate
CA3 0HA - Test Centre Details: Ramp for access to test centre for wheelchair users. Male and disabled toilets are available. Car parking spaces available for test candidates.
- Test Centre Provides Tests For: Car and trailers, Lorries, large vehicles and buses
For a less stressful practical test, try booking your test outside of rush hour traffic times. These usually occur in most areas between 9-10am and 4-6pm. Certain test centres also offer Saturday tests at a slightly higher fee. Driving tests cannot be booked through the test centres directly. To book a driving test, there are 2 options; by phone or online.
Book a driving test by phone
To book a practical driving test at the Carlisle Driving Test Centres by phone, visit the book a driving test section. The DVSA (previously known as the DSA) telephone number is an automated service. The option to speak to a DVSA assistant is available if required.
Book your driving test online
To book your driving test online for Carlisle Driving Test Centre, see the book a driving test section for all DVSA contact information.
Cancel or reschedule the driving test
A full refund is available if you wish to cancel the driving test in Carlisle provided 3 clear working days notice is given. The above conditions must also be met if rescheduling the test. The above contact information can be used for these purposes.

Driving test pass rates vary considerably depending on which test centre your practical is taken at. Browse the driving test pass rates section for information on your UK DVSA test centre pass rates.
Though it is possible to call driving test centres directly, if you wish to book or alter a driving test, this must be done via the DVSA (see above). Carlisle Driving Test Centre telephone number may be either located on this page or via the driving test centre contact numbers section. Test centres can be contacted only for an up to date status of tests, such as whether they are still being conducted in bad weather for example. See driving tests in bad weather for further information.
In order to help others that are taking their driving test, or to simply tell us whether you passed or failed your driving test, write a review of Carlisle Driving Test Centre. Rate this driving test centre based on your experience using them, what was your examiner like and how difficult were the test routes? It’s quick and simple – no signup necessary and only your nickname will be displayed. To ensure your review meets our guidelines, please read our Terms and Conditions prior to submission.
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instructor smelled bad.