Around 30% of the world’s countries drive on the left with a little under 34% of the world’s people population driving on the left.
Centuries ago, almost all counties travelled on the left-side of the road. Countries that still drive on the left usually use right-hand drive vehicles. Vehicles on roundabouts travel in a clockwise direction and right-turning vehicles must give-way to oncoming traffic. The majority of countries that still drive on the left are mostly old British colonies.
The map below details countries that use right-hand drive vehicles and the list below details countries that drive on the left and may be of use if you are visiting a country and intend on driving.
Map of counties that use Right-Hand Drive Vehicles

Anguilla | India | Saint Lucia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Indonesia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Australia | Ireland | Samoa |
Bahamas, The | Jamaica | Seychelles |
Bangladesh | Japan | Singapore |
Barbados | Kenya | Solomon Islands |
Bermuda | Kiribati | South Africa |
Bhutan | Lesotho | Sri Lanka |
Botswana | Malawi | Suriname |
Brunei | Malaysia | Swaziland |
Cayman Islands | Maldives | Tanzania |
Cook Islands | Malta | Thailand |
Cyprus | Mauritius | Tonga |
Dominica | Mozambique | Trinidad and Tobago |
East Timor | Namibia | Tuvalu |
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Nauru | Uganda |
Fiji | New Zealand | United Kingdom |
Grenada | Pakistan | Virgin Islands |
Guyana | Papua New Guinea | Zambia |
Hong Kong | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |