Around 70% of the world’s countries drive on the right, with a little over 66% of the world’s people population driving on the right.
In the past, the vast majority of countries travelled on the left-side of the road. Countries that now drive on the right usually use left-hand drive vehicles. Vehicles on roundabouts travel in a counter clockwise direction and left-turning vehicles must give-way to oncoming traffic.
The map displayed below shows countries that use left-hand drive vehicles and the list below details countries that drive on the right and may be of use if you are visiting a country and intend on driving.
Also available is a list of countries that drive on the left.
Countries that use Left-Hand Drive Vehicles

Afghanistan | Ethiopia | Nicaragua |
Albania | Finland | Niger |
Algeria | France | Nigeria |
American Samoa | French Guiana | Norway |
Andorra | French Polynesia | Oman |
Angola | Gabon | Palau |
Argentina | Georgia | Panama |
Armenia | Germany | Paraguay |
Aruba | Ghana | Peru |
Austria | Gibraltar | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | Greece | Poland |
Bahrain | Greenland | Portugal |
Belarus | Guatemala | Qatar |
Belgium | Guinea | Romania |
Belize | Guinea-Bissau | Russia |
Benin | Haiti | Rwanda |
Bolivia | Honduras | San Marino |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hungary | Sao Tome and Principe |
Brazil | Iceland | Saudi Arabia |
Bulgaria | Iran | Senegal |
Burkina Faso | Iraq | Serbia and Montenegro |
Burundi | Israel | Sierra Leone |
Cambodia | Italy | Slovakia |
Cameroon | Jordan | Slovenia |
Canada | Kazakhstan | Spain |
Cape Verde | Kuwait | Sudan |
Central African Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Sweden |
Chad | Laos | Switzerland |
Chile | Latvia | Syria |
China | Lebanon | Taiwan |
Colombia | Liberia | Tajikistan |
Comoros | Libya | Togo |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Liechtenstein | Tunisia |
Costa Rica | Lithuania | Turkey |
Cote d'Ivoire | Luxembourg | Turkmenistan |
Croatia | Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of | Ukraine |
Cuba | Madagascar | United Arab Emirates |
Czech Republic | Mali | United States |
Denmark | Marshall Islands | Uruguay |
Djibouti | Mauritania | Uzbekistan |
Dominican Republic | Mexico | Vanuatu |
Ecuador | Moldova | Venezuela |
Egypt | Monaco | Vietnam |
El Salvador | Mongolia | Western Sahara |
Equatorial Guinea | Morocco | Yemen |
Eritrea | Netherlands | |
Estonia | New Caledonia |