The driving test is certainly challenging with a multitude of reasons just waiting to fail you. There are however many more common reasons and pitfalls why learners fail the test.
Trying to avoid these common pitfalls will put you in good stead for passing. Listed below are the top 10 driving test hints. The hints provided are for the most common top reasons why learners fail the driving test. A great deal of other hints and tips can be found in our driving test tips section.
Driving test hints 1
Driving test nerves are without question one of the biggest test failures. It’s obviously too much to ask to not be nervous on the test, everybody is. The best way to help combat nerves is to completely understand what you are getting into. For starters, read the What to expect on the driving test. This article provides an in-depth guide from arriving at the driving test centre to the very end of the test.
Another good driving test hint is when your instructor tells you that you have reached test standard is to have a mock driving test. Hopefully this will go just fine. Then, take a mock test with a completely different driving school. This will be a new instructor, therefore a complete stranger conducting a lesson similar to a driving test. This will be the closest to an actual driving test simulation. It will also benefit you in having another instructors feedback. If you pass the second mock test, then this will give you more experience of the real deal and gain confidence in your ability.

Driving test hints 2
The driving test manoeuvres are the part where you have the most control and can therefore determine the outcome of the test for this particular part. Practice the manoeuvre to such an extent that when it comes to demonstrating a manoeuvre on the test, you are completely confident of your abilities. Complete and in-depth tutorials for manoeuvres can be found in the Driving test tutorials section.
A good hint is also that the examiners are often rather lenient when it comes to the manoeuvres. Manoeuvres don’t need to be performed in one perfect swift movement. In need be, pull forward and correct yourself. It is in our experience that if a manoeuvre really goes bad, say for example you mount the kerb, ask if you can try it again. This is really down to the discretion of the driving examiner, but chances are they will let you try it again.
Driving test hints 3
Junctions. This also includes crossroads and roundabouts. Driving up to these at way too high speed for a learners capabilities is a real big high on the test failure list.
The examiner doesn’t want you to drive too slowly generally, but they are also aware that you are a learner and inexperienced. Driving up to a roundabout or junction too fast will often result in a learner getting flustered, abruptly stopping and because they have got themselves flustered, is then to do something daft. The hint is to look ahead for any sighs of roundabouts or junction, including traffic lights, road marking or traffic passing in-front and approach very slowly. This will give you plenty of time to assess the situation and proceed appropriately.
Driving test hints 4
Lack of appropriate observations is also another big one on the driving test failure list. It’s not all about the mirror signal manoeuvre routine. What catches a lot of learners out is forgetting to look over your shoulder into the blind spot when changing lanes for example. Another common fault is when moving off from a stationary position and not checking the blind spot.
It is important that you have an instructor that keeps on top of this and doesn’t allow you to get away with it. On occasions, some instructors can get a little complacent and don’t bother keeping a learner in-line. The hint is to practice these observations on as many types of different roads as possible. Practice to such an extent that it becomes second nature.
- See driving routines for a guide to all routines for learning to drive.
Driving test hints 5
The driving test is designed to to be challenging and to prove your ability over as many different and varied roads as possible. Ensuring your instructor is proficient with the test routes around your chosen test centre is certainly beneficial. Although it’s not essential to know every part of the driving test routes, the key is to gain a high level of proficiency over the difficult areas. These areas can often be multi-lane roundabouts, one-way-systems and dual carriageways.
Hints for the driving test
The independent driving
This part of the driving test is actually very easy although many learners panic on this part. Remember, taking the wrong direction isn’t a failure. Providing you take the wrong direction safely, then it will have no impact in regards to failure at all.
Take it slow when approaching junctions but other than this, if it is safe to do the speed limit, do the speed limit. Examiners don’t like excessively slow drivers.
Adequate clearance
More common to fail a test than you might think this one. Try if possible to give parked cars and especially cyclists at least 1 metre clearance when passing. The hint here is if it doesn’t feel safe to pass, then don’t. Wait until it is and then pass.
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