The practical driving test is unlike other types of tests that we are accustomed to and for many, sitting the driving test is one of the most stressful times of their life.
A great deal of driving tests are failed due to nerves, but many more are failed due to not being properly and fully prepared.
The driving test tips and advice section provides all the information you need to be fully aware of what to expect on the day of the practical test, tips on how to pass and information on test routes and test centres. Information also includes the most common ways to fail the driving test, plus the best planning to pass first time along with various statistics such as individual test centre pass rates.
This section now also includes details on how to check, change or cancel a driving test, the full 2017 Show Me Tell Me questions, plus a few quizzes to test your knowledge.
What to expect on the driving test
Complete and in-depth guide and advice covering every detail on what you can expect on the day of your driving test allowing you to know exactly what will happen.

How to pass the driving test
Plenty of tips and advice on how to pass the practical driving test and what areas of the test the examiners are more lenient and most likely to allow you to try again.

Driving test eyesight test explained
The driving test eye test can fail your practical even before you take to the road. Provided is an explanation of the driving test eye test and how it is conducted by the driving examiner.

Show Me Tell Me
Show Me Tell Me 2017 DVSA driving test questions and answers with pictures plus printable PDF. Complete 19 questions with answers you should give to the examiner. A Show Me Tell Me Quiz is also available to test your knowledge before the test.

Practical driving test centres
Locate your closest DVSA practical driving test centre, complete with test centre details, the type of roads likely to be taken on the test and map location.

Driving test centre contact telephone numbers
Contact telephone numbers for practical driving test centres in your area. Listed are many of the UK DVSA test centre direct telephone numbers that can be used if you wish to talk to an examiner.

Driving test routes
The driving test routes for specific test practical test centres that help in your understanding of the most challenging roads in your driving test. Knowing the test routes can give you an advantage.

Driving test Sat Nav routes
Increase your chances of passing the driving test by practicing on driving test routes. Download our FREE driving test routes app and select the test routes for your chosen test centre. Then, use your phone’s sat nav to practice on the exact routes that you’ll drive on during your test.

Independent driving on the test
A complete guide to independent driving on the practical driving test along with diagram maps and tips for the independent element of the driving test, so that you wont fail.

Latest driving test centre pass rates
Want to know if your test centre has a good pass rate? Perhaps you’re looking for a practical driving test centre with the highest pass rates to take your test. Here’s the current DVSA year 2016 pass rates for all test centres. Check also the top 10 reasons for failing a test based on statistics as far back as 2006, plus the top 10 Best and Worst Driving Test Centres.

Will I Pass My Driving Test Quiz
‘Am I ready for the driving test?’ You might be asking. To answer this, take the will I pass my driving test quiz to see if you know the answer to some of the most common reasons for test failures.
Driving test report explained
When the driving examiner is sitting next to you marking their paper whilst you’re on your test, this guide will give you an insight into the meaning of the driving test report along with a Pdf and picture of the driving test report.
How to fail the driving test
No one wants to fail the driving test. This guide lists the most common mistakes, minor faults and serious faults made on a driving test that results in a test fail, plus tips on how to avoid them.
Beating Driving test nerves
Many learners drive well and confidently during driving lessons, but go to pieces during the driving test. Much of this can be due to driving test nerves. Help and advice on how to beat driving test nerves.
Are driving tests fixed?
Are practical driving tests fixed? Do driving test centres have a quota? Is it bad decision to take a driving test late in the week if the test pass quota has been reached?
Car for the driving test
If you don’t have access to a car for the driving test, this guide offers details for the legal requirements for cars taken on the practical driving test plus the best and cheapest way of getting a car for the test.
Driving test in snow, fog, rain or ice
Driving tests are sometimes cancelled due to bad weather. Information provided explains when driving tests are usually cancelled and what you should do if you are concerned if your driving test will be cancelled.
Can’t pass the driving test
No matter how hard they try, some test candidates just can’t pass. Tips and advice for learner drivers who can’t pass the driving test and have failed on one or more occasions.
Cheapest car insurance quote
Got your own car? A guide to find the cheapest car insurance once you have passed the driving test.
Driving test questions
Recently added to the driving test help and advice section are the most frequently questions that are asked by learner drivers before taking the practical driving test. These questions and answers can be found in the Driving test questions section.
Best and worst driving test times
The time of day in which you book and take your practical driving test can have an impact on the result. This guide, base don driving instructors experience, provides some of the best and worst times of the day to take your test.
Book a driving test
Book a practical driving test to be taken from any UK DVSA practical driving test centre.
Mock driving test
Although it’s not essential to take mock driving tests, they can provide you with experience of what an actual real test is like. This guide explains the benefits and ideal method of taking mock driving tests.
Check driving test date
If you are unsure of your driving test date or time, or have lost your confirmation e-mail, you can check a practical driving test date online.
Change driving test date
If you would like to get either a later or even an earlier driving test date, you can change your driving test date online or by phone.
Cancel driving test
If you can no longer make the DVSA practical driving test, you can cancel your test with a full refund if enough notice is provided.
How to impress the driving examiner
Impressing the driving examiner on the face of it, may seem like an impossible task. The way in which you conduct your driving test may however be the difference between a pass and a fail.
Passed my driving test, now what?
Detailing the circumstances where young and new drivers are most vulnerable to having an accident when driving and tips on how to avoid accidents.