Eastbourne Driving Test Routes 5-8

Recently the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped publishing the driving test routes for each test centre to prevent test candidates from practicing the routes that the examiners take you on.

The driving test routes for Eastbourne may have altered in the mean-time, although it is likely they are very similar if not identical. Listed below are the driving test centre routes for Eastbourne, routes 5-8.

The Eastbourne driving test routes should be used for a guide only as test routes are for the discretion of the test examiner and may be subject to change.

Driving test routes incorporate the most challenging areas to drive in that particular location. Study the roads and the routes to establish which areas you will need practice on.


Driving test routes for Sat Nav, Google Maps, Google Earth, iPhone, Android & CoPilot Live are available. Browse to see if the Eastbourne driving test routes are available for your device in the Driving Test Routes for Sat Nav section.


  • EOR – End of Road
  • T/L – Traffic Lights
  • DTC – Driving Test Centre
Route Number5
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Wartling RdRoundabout right 5 th exit
Royal ParadeRight
Addingham RdEOR left
Seaside5 th right
Langney Rd3 rd right
Bourne StCrossroads right
Cavendish Ave / Firle RdT/L right
Whitley Rd2 nd left
St Philips Ave2 nd right
Woodgate Rd2 nd left
Baillie AveEOR left
Woodgate RdEOR left
SeasideRoundabout left
Lottbridge DroveRoundabout ahead, roundabout right
Highfield LinkRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Golden JubileeRoundabout right 3 rd exit
Dittons Rd3 rd right
Lion Hill / Friday StRoundabout left
Willingdon DroveRoundabout right 2 nd exit
Langney RiseRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Princes RdLeft
Ramsey WayRight
Cunningham DriveEOR right
Beatty RdLeft
Princes RdRoundabout right 4 th exit
Wartling Rd
Route Number6
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Wartling RdRoundabout right 5 th exit
Royal ParadeRight
Addingham RdEOR left
Seaside RdT/L right
Cavendish PlaceT/L ahead, T/L right
Cavendish Ave / Firle RdT/L right
Whitley Rd2 nd left
St Philips Ave2 nd right
Woodgate RdLeft
Fitzmaurice AveLeft
Woodgate RdLeft
Bailey AveLeft
Woodgate RdEOR left
SeasideRoundabout ahead
St Anthonys AveRoundabout left
Langney RiseRoundabout right 2 nd exit
Hide HollowRoundabout left
Pennine WayEOR left
Friday StRoundabout left
Willingdon DroveRoundabout right 2 nd exit
Langney RiseRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Princes RdRoundabout right 4 th exit
Wartling Rd
Route Number7
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Wartling RdRoundabout left
Lottbridge DroveRoundabout left
Seaside6 th right
Roselands AveCrossroads ahead
Harding AveEOR left
Astaire AveLeft
Hunloke AveLeft
Astaire AveLeft
Brookmead CloseOut left
Astaire AveEOR left
Ringwood Rdimmediately right
Courtlands RdEOR right
Waterworks RdT/L right
Whitley RdT/L left
Firle RdAround bend Becomes
Cavendish AveAround bend Becomes
Ashford roadT/L right
Cavendish PlaceRoundabout right 2 nd exit
Upper AveLeft, left
Lewes Rd / Kings DriveRoundabout right 4 th exit
Cross Levels WayRoundabout left, 2 x roundabout ahead
Highfield LinkRoundabout right 3 rd exit
Willingdon Drove2 x mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Langney RiseRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Princes RdRoundabout right 4 th exit
Route Number8
Name/Number of RoadDirection
Wartling RdRoundabout left 2 nd exit
Princes RdRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Langney RiseRight
Priory Rd2 nd right, left
Wordsworth DriveEOR left
Priory RdRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Pennine WayEOR right
Friday StEOR left
Dittons RdRoundabout ahead, roundabout left
Golden Jubilee WayRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Highfield LinkRoundabout ahead 2 nd exit
Cross Levels WayRoundabout ahead, roundabout right, roundabout left
Kings Drive7 th right
Enys Rd / Carew RdEOR left
Upper AveRoundabout right 2 nd exit
Cavendish PlaceT/L left
Ashford RdRight
Bourne St2 nd left
Langney RdEOR left
SeasideT/L 3 rd right
Beach RdEOR left
Royal ParadeSovereign roundabout left
Wartling Rd


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